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Videos am 11.9.2015 um 12:31 Uhr 14.216 mal aufgerufen Abuse 78 10
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Nounverber schrieb am 11.9.2015 um 17:21 Uhr 3
In die Luft geschossene Gewehrkugeln sind tödlich, wenn sie wieder runterfallen. Gilt für Pistolen wahrscheinlich auch, sollte man nicht in bewohnten Gebieten machen.

Nounverber schrieb am 11.9.2015 um 19:36 Uhr 3
Nix erfunden.

thermate schrieb am 11.9.2015 um 22:59 Uhr -7
die downvotes sind übrigens nicht von mir... ich hab' persönlichkeit.

Nounverber schrieb am 12.9.2015 um 3:42 Uhr 3
Bullets fired into the air maintain their lethal capability when they eventually fall back down.
In the case of a bullet fired at a precisely vertical angle (something extremely difficult for a human being to duplicate), the bullet would tumble, lose its spin, and fall at a much slower speed due to terminal velocity and is therefore rendered less than lethal on impact. However, if a bullet is fired upward at a non-vertical angle (a far more probable possibility), it will maintain its spin and will reach a high enough speed to be lethal on impact. Because of this potentiality, firing a gun into the air is illegal in most states, and even in the states that it is legal, it is not recommended by the police. Also the MythBusters were able to identify two people who had been injured by falling bullets, one of them fatally injured. To date, this is the only myth to receive all three ratings at the same time.
In the case of a bullet fired at a precisely vertical angle (something extremely difficult for a human being to duplicate), the bullet would tumble, lose its spin, and fall at a much slower speed due to terminal velocity and is therefore rendered less than lethal on impact. However, if a bullet is fired upward at a non-vertical angle (a far more probable possibility), it will maintain its spin and will reach a high enough speed to be lethal on impact. Because of this potentiality, firing a gun into the air is illegal in most states, and even in the states that it is legal, it is not recommended by the police. Also the MythBusters were able to identify two people who had been injured by falling bullets, one of them fatally injured. To date, this is the only myth to receive all three ratings at the same time.

KokosBaer schrieb am 12.9.2015 um 11:44 Uhr 2
Kann ich bestätigen, siehe dazu auch diesen Artikel:
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